Erinnerungstag: 14.04.2021 | Erinnerungszeit: 15:14 Uhr | Sala Pfeifer

На заре - Альянс




He came from East, I from the West

From cities both we did detest

To this magic eerie place

Where old grandeur decays in grace


The smell of cobbles when it rains

That sea of candles on All Saints

The countless murals in the streets

Shared warmth in his Ikea sheets


We roamed the streets as happy bats

And we would talk to all the cats

Spiderwebs in rainbow lights

Found in otherworldly nights


In this tiny top floor room

Above the roofs, above the gloom

We drank coffee and made art

Shared a bed and tender heart


Now my friend is gone for good

After taking what he could

But from my soul despite the grief

Kazimierz will never leave


– Sala Pfeifer

Kasette Kopfhörer Klemmbrett


Angaben zum Experienten/ zur Experientin:

Name: Sala Pfeifer
Geschlecht: divers

Angaben zum Experiential Recording:

Erinnerungstag: 14.04.2021
Erinnerungszeit: 15:14 Uhr
Interpret*in/ Song: Альянс

» Song auf Youtube Anhören

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